Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Side Hustle

The Summer is winding down and football camps across the country have started for Elementary School, High School, College, and the Pros.  For the first time in 18 years, I will not be partaking in any Oklahoma Drills or 2-a-days! 

That's the bad news.  I'm decided to put a halt to my coaching career.  I'll have further explanations later on.

However - Here's the Good News!  I passed my Football Referee Entry Exam!!

So, this Saturday, I will suit up for the first time as a High School football referee.  It's not glamorous or prestigious, but it will keep me involved in the sport I love, while padding my pocket a bit.

The Professor was definitely a little skeptical about me refing games and being gone all weekend, but then I told her that College referees can make up to $2k a game and she immediately liked the idea!  Ha.  My take home will be much less for a few years as I do JV High School and grade school games.  Still, $50 a game or $100 a day isn't anything to whine about.

Besides, I love Football.  I enjoy being around the game and understanding it better, especially at the youth level.  It's fun.  I hope to one day officiate college games just for the accomplishment and enjoyment, but for now, a chance to be around competitive football, good people, and make some money sounds promising to me.

Hopefully I'll be back under the Friday Night Lights sooner rather than later!!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July Net Worth Review

My oh my!  With a crazy work schedule and some vacation out West, July sure went by like a blur!  Let's see how the Prof and I did monetarily after much needed R&R.
Cash - $31,446 (-$326)
Investments - $71,331 (+$1,415)
Home Value - $180,000 ($0)
Personal Assets - $24,662 (+$0)
Less: Liabilities - $168,338 (-$2,111)

Here's how it breaks down:

Assets -
Cash - A slight decrease in cash this month.  Too bad fair, I'm not entirely sure why this would be especially since both the Prof and I had the Side Hustle working with Speed Camp and Summer School.  The vacation purchases were all put onto the Credit Card and will be paid off in two weeks.  The other unsual item that occurred this past month was we both had to renew our passports for our Ireland trip at the end of August. So, that's $220.  I'll have to look into this though.

Investments - Some more growth within the Investment accounts.  Most of the securities we hold all had marginal increases in June.  II-VI had some reversal and PSO also had a little reversal in a negative way.  They were both moving crazily that some push back was expected.  I'm still planning on doing more investing in the future, so this should go up but I'll be sure to track growth vs contributions.

Personal Assets - No Change to the Home Value.  The house across the street sold but we aren't sure of the sales price yet and it really isn't a comparable for us.  However, I will be thankful that their 8 greyhounds will not continue to bark throughout the mornings!!
Liabilities -
Mortgage - $131,118 - Another small incremental change.  Ho-hum.  It's depressing how small the changes are, but it's no big deal until everything else below is taken care of. 

Student Loans - $34,872 - Sayonara #1 Undergrad Student Loan!!  It was small compared to the Grad loans, but it feels good to only have 6 loans to pay as opposed to 7.  I may cool down on the repayment plan for the next couple months as the Prof and I save more cash for some unknown expenses.  It feels great to pay these down, but also hard since I still need to save for one semester. 

Home Depot Credit Card - $2,348 - Only two payments away.  I considered writing one big check to get rid of this Aug.3, but am going to wait a few weeks since we have some potentially large cash outflows in August and I'm cautious.  It will be gone shortly and I cannot wait.

Total Joint Net Worth - $139,100!!!

Another great month!  $3,199 Increase and close to $140k!  I'm feeling really good about our situation.  I have a tuition payment this month which will cause a hit to Cash, but overall, I'm extremely happy as our liabilities have fallen over $4k in 4 months and our Investments have performed well.  Once the HD Card is paid off, that will basically free up the Prof's entire salary for savings!!