Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Challenge

The April Challenge was a HUGE success.  I made it the entire month without going out to eat lunch!  I even brought my packed lunch to the Chinese Take-In Group!  Overall, I think it was a great experience and really made me evaluate my grocery shopping and my needs.  I've packed the first couple days of May as well, so the trend continues.

The Challenge:  No Beer in May!  We're gonna pick it up a NOTCH!! BAM!!  I'm trying to think of better name, but, for now, I'm going to try and go the entire month without drinking beer.  I don't drink a lot of beer, but I've definitely gotten into a habit of having a beer or two on weeknights while watching TV, or enjoying one or 5 too many on the weekends.  So, in May, I'll be sticking to my other fave, Bourbon.

Obviously, this isn't much of a Financial challenge, but a personal one.  It's about living a healthier lifestyle and getting back into shape.  I worry about the old man gut (aka: beer gut) developing as I approach 30.  I'm still two years away, but, there's no reason I can't start now.  I may have to call Tony Horton and rejoin the P90X gym soon.

The Penalty:  For every beer I drink, I owe the Guilty Jar $2.  It's less than last month's penalty, only because the Challenge is longer and more challenging since it's everyday and not just work days.

I'll miss my old friend Sam Adams, but I'm looking forward to being more Mad Men-ish with my bourbon!


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