I just realized now that I did not post last month. Spring has come and gone and Summer will soon be upon us.
Cash - $28,981 (-$3,338)
Investments - $139,808 ($2,498)
Home Value - $366,000 ($0)
Personal Assets - $51,525 (-$842)
Less: Liabilities - $319,139 (-$8,410)
Assets -
Investments - We've made normal 401k contributions during the month, but otherwise, its the markets doing their thing! I'm very proud of our retirement situation and am actually considering dialing back a little bit as the Prof and I consider some family/career goals and how we can gain financial freedom. Her monthly contributions are around $160, which is always good, but would the extra $125 be utilized more as extra debt payment and allow her to stop working faster. It's a personal finance no-no to stop contributing to retirement, but sometimes we need to reevaluate priorities.
Personal Assets -
Here's to the Numbers!!
Cash - $28,981 (-$3,338)
Investments - $139,808 ($2,498)
Home Value - $366,000 ($0)
Personal Assets - $51,525 (-$842)
Less: Liabilities - $319,139 (-$8,410)
Assets -
Cash - Our cash balance took a bite but its been for good reason. As I mentioned previously, we decided that we have a solid emergency fund and that we should be knocking out our debts faster. So, I'm okay with the cash balance, although we had a bad spend month, the overall progress was very good.
Investments - We've made normal 401k contributions during the month, but otherwise, its the markets doing their thing! I'm very proud of our retirement situation and am actually considering dialing back a little bit as the Prof and I consider some family/career goals and how we can gain financial freedom. Her monthly contributions are around $160, which is always good, but would the extra $125 be utilized more as extra debt payment and allow her to stop working faster. It's a personal finance no-no to stop contributing to retirement, but sometimes we need to reevaluate priorities.
Personal Assets -
Just lowering the value of cars....
Liabilities -
Mortgage - $290,412 - I hate this beast. Slow and steady.
Student Loans - $9,184 (-$5,036) - BAM! BAM! One of my two graduate loans is GONE! We had a balance of $18k in June of last year and $14k in December. Now- GONE! That feels so good!
Acura Loan - $13,485 Nothing crazy. Just the usual payments being made.
PNC (Screw You) Loan - $3,058- I hate writing these checks and will be glad when all my PNC accounts are closed.
Liabilities -
Mortgage - $290,412 - I hate this beast. Slow and steady.
Student Loans - $9,184 (-$5,036) - BAM! BAM! One of my two graduate loans is GONE! We had a balance of $18k in June of last year and $14k in December. Now- GONE! That feels so good!
Acura Loan - $13,485 Nothing crazy. Just the usual payments being made.
PNC (Screw You) Loan - $3,058- I hate writing these checks and will be glad when all my PNC accounts are closed.
Total Joint Net Worth - $252,213. A 5.9% improvement in two months. I'm pleasantly surprised! We had an unpleasant family event this past month and performed some home improvement projects to appease our mental state. It helped, but did put a dent in our credit card. Not proud of that, but we'll continue our steady upward climb to major financial freedom.
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