Wednesday, August 7, 2013

July 2013 Net Worth Review

I'm still working out the kinks in the system, but I think we are all ready for a little look-back into the month that was!!! July was crazy. We completed our central air installation and wrote a few hefty checks. In addition, our property tax bills came due and some money went out the door. Lastly, my Speed Hustle was not as fruitful as I had hoped due to vacations and cancellations. All is not lost though - Little Guy continues to be amazing!!!
Here's to the Numbers!!

Cash - $17,272 $(4,323) ($0)
Investments - 114,291 (5,850)

Home Value - $197,000 ($0)
Personal Assets - $51,861 ($0)
Less: Liabilities - $177,117 ($1,331)

Assets -
Cash - Most of that decrease is for paying the last portion of Central Air. Otherwise, we actually saw an increase of cash of $500. That's not ideal considering we should see an increase of $1,500 to $2,000 based upon Prof salary, but I'll take increases.
Investments -Nicely done markets! No contributions other than retirement 401k and 403b, so I'm very happy to see the market doing work!
Personal Assets
No change to house or assets. Still looking for the next house, but until we actually sell it, I'm going to let the valuation stay where it is. Also, I need to update the car values, but I got lazy, sue me.div>
Liabilities -
Mortgage - $129,603 -   Ho-hum. Just paying it down and earnign more back when we sell.

Student Loans - $28,402- Depressing to think I paid $96 in interest in July. That motivates me to stay the course and try to get rid of these darn graduate student loans FAST.

Acura Loan - $18,970.  Another $1k milestone achieved. Celebrate a little.
Total Joint Net Worth - $203,307.  A small $2,858 increase is awesome considering all these extraneous things that we did in July. Obviously, the markets have a profound impact on our overall movement, but every little payment helps and I love it. It's definitely been tough the past few weeks staying the course while also dreaming of what it will be like when there are no more payments. I'm tired of the rat race or feeling like I'm running up a mountain; I want freedom..

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