Thursday, March 29, 2012

Goal III - VIP Lounge

The next two goals are 3a and 3b.  I want to join the Duquesne Club.  I also want to develop a decent golf handicap (around 12) by the time I'm 32.

I say they go hand in hand because they both pretty much involve joining some type of private club.  I guess I wouldn't have to join a golf club like VB or EW or DR in order to develop a handicap, but it would be incredible difficult and expensive to bounce to different public courses all the time to play enough.  Plus, a normal 4 and half hour round would easily turn into 6 hours on a public course on a weekend.

Why do I want to join those clubs?  It's not just because our parents did.  However, I do remember going as a child and feeling apart of something special.  It was a treat to go to dinner at the club, much fancier than just Applebee's or wherever.  I want that feeling that I belong.  That I've been successful in my life.

Also, I want to establish a handicap so that I can play with anyone.  And so I can beat my dad.  I can already outdrive him by a long shot, but the work around the greens needs a lot of work.  That will only improve by playing more.  Plus, I want to play with the Prof's dad, Doug, Kevin, Josh.  I don't want to beat them or be a scratch golfer, but I want to play and not top the ball or lose 5 balls a round.  Just hit good shots, some great, some not - shoot in the 70s once, mostly 80s, an occasional 90 when things go really bad.

Also, as I venture outside the cube, I want to associate with successful people.  I want people to notice me for something more than just the son, or son-in-law.

Lastly, the Prof would really like it.  She'll never play golf, but she'd love a place to meet for lunch or a pool to go to with the girls.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Goal II - I Hear Hawaii Is Nice

Annual Vacations
I want to take The Professor on a vacation every year.  Regardless of where are lives are, or how busy things get with the kids or job – Family vacations are very important to me.  I remember going to the beach every year and how exciting it was for the family (although the 12 hour car rides might not have been).
I remember every year my mom taking us to the book store to get a new book for the 12 hour ride down to SC.
One year we rented a mini-van that had a TV and VCR in it.  It was the COOLEST thing ever.
In 2012 – The Prof and I are going across the country to visit family and friends this year.  It’s not quite the romantic getaway, but it’s important to us to see these people even though they live 2000 miles away.  It’s a cop-out to make the excuse that they always come to Pittsburgh because that’s where they are from.  They’ve made the trip East numerous times, so it’s only fair that we travel West at least once.
Besides that, the families have a big cross-Atlantic trip in the Fall.  So, the vacation days have been eaten up pretty quick.  Next year can be the romantic couples vacation.
I know the Prof sacrifices a lot for my anal money ways as we try and pay off housing projects and student loans.  She deserves something to look forward to every year as a chance to forget about the stress of our jobs and daily lives and just be.  I’m not sure where next year’s trip will be – perhaps the Caribbean.  I hear Hawaii is nice.  Just somewhere that lets us relax and be together.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Goal I - I'll Take the Corner Office

Be My Own Boss
So, I’ve been thinking really hard lately about how to raise my current income level.  I found a Mad Men quote particularly interesting last night – it was about how frustration can be the root for prosperity.  Any man, who’s frustrated by his current state, should be doing something to change it and make it better!  So, in order to get out of the corporate grind and make some real cash, I’ve decided I am going to become my own boss.
Bring on the highs and lows of running a business.  I know my stress level will be higher due to lack of security.  In reality, that’s really all my current job provides beyond some education.  It’s stable.  It’s slow moving.  I don’t want to be the executive in the corner 30 years from now.  Not at 2-3% raises and a never-ending staircase to climb.   Especially when that staircase isn’t built on work ethic or ability, but seniority.
So – How Do I Become My Own Boss??
I Don’t Know.  I’m very excited for this summer when I take Financial Management at Katz, as much as I enjoyed the Pharma Sim project in Marketing, the background provided by Econ, and the Team Assignment in Org. Behavior, I came to Katz for a Finance concentration.  I want to understand the markets better and work in Finance.  I’m considering Financial Planning and Investment in the future.  I love analyzing my family’s finances, and think I am pretty rational and thoughtful in putting together a budget and payment process.  In addition, I love to work with individuals and talk to people.  From my days at the restaurant as a server, I’ve love to talk to people and make connections.  It’s part of why I coach.  I enjoy working with people toward a goal.
Should I get a CFA?  CFP?  Those are both viable options and ones I’ll be researching and blogging about later.  They could both really open doors for me. 
Should I stick with the bank?  I’d like to learn the process with them – I do like the institution.
This is not a 1 year-goal.  I’ve set this as a 10-year goal.  By the time I turn 38 – I’ll have opened up Peaches Inc.  That should provide the best life for my family and allow for a dad who’s involved in his kids lives (I’m real excited to coach Grace’s softball team).
We’ll see how it goes.

Monday, March 26, 2012

My Blog

I don't know why I want to start writing.  I don't like to write. I can't write.  English was always my worst subject in school.  I could kill it in Math or Science. That made sense.  Even my SATs were terrible in Writing Section.  However, I'm interested in getting my ideas on paper right now. I don't know why.  Just seems like a good idea to log ideas, plans, and dreams down rather than let them build up in my mind.

I don't want to a Personal Finance blog - lord knows there are already too many of those out there. However, I do want to be able to put down my own personal financial ideas and plans, in order to monitor them and assess them later.  It's easy to see my Investment portfolio and see what my return is and congratulate (or kick) myself, but it's tough to look back and remember why I made that decision or why it seemed like a good idea.  I think this may help remove me from micromanaging my family's finances.  As well as we are doing, there is no reason to worry about each and every expenditure.  So, I'm trying not to.  However, it could be cool to keep a log of big activities or progress.  Once a month saying "we were here, and now we're here"  and where does that line up with our goals.

I'm excited.  In my next post - I'll discuss those goals.  They don't have any specific numbers attached to them - just lifetime goals for building a dream life.

We'll see how this goes.
