Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August Net Worth Review

Back from Ireland and time for another Net Worth Round-up!!!
Cash - $19,007 (-$12,439)
Investments - $77,684 (+$6,353)
Home Value - $180,000 ($0)
Personal Assets - $24,662 (+$0)
Less: Liabilities - $165,363 (-$2,975)

Here's how it breaks down:

Assets -
Cash - Whoa!  Let me explain:  First, I had my Fall Tuition bill come due in August, so there goes almost a $7k from the account.  Also, the Prof and I have paid down the Home Depot bill and will be putting more into our Investment account in the future.  So, I made a $2k deposit on Aug. 4, and another $1.7k deposit on Aug. 31 from the Growth account to the Investment account.  So, while the Cash balance fell, it actually just transferred into the account below. 
I also keep my tuition money separate in the Growth account.  It is money received as part of Student Loans and is earmarked for future tuition.  I should remove it from this analysis to avoid major swings like this month, but it is collecting some interest.

Investments - As I said above, some of the increase is due deposits made into the Investment account.  However, there is another $2k or so that was due to market appreciation, which was nice.

Personal Assets - No Change to the Home Value.  
Liabilities -
Mortgage - $130,921 - Another small incremental change.  Ho-hum.  It's depressing how small the changes are, but it's no big deal until everything else below is taken care of. 

Student Loans - $34,442 - Just a couple small payments here.  The change here will likely not be as large month to month as we concentrate on savings for our next house.  With the loans in deferment and the interest rate reasonable, I've decided to makes more sense to invest than pay down.  I'll still be making some payments to the high interest balances, but nothing earth shattering unless I hit the lottery. 

Home Depot Credit Card - $0 - New Kitchen is all ours!!  Two payments were made in August due to timing of the calendar.  It feels amazing to say goodbye to this debt.  $1,000 every month for saving or baby expenses!  I'm very excited!

Total Joint Net Worth - $135,990!!!

So, a decrease of $3.1k is not something I am happy about.  However, with the tuition payment of $7k, I'm happy it wasn't worth!  Plus, the HD card is paid off so that means more savings and growth.  Things are definitely looking up!!

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