Monday, July 2, 2012

June Net Worth Review

June has come and gone so before the fireworks and barbeque of July 4th - Let's take a quick review of our Financial Progress!
Cash - $31,772 (+$3,842)
Investments - $69,916 (+$3,304)
Home Value - $180,000 ($0)
Personal Assets - $24,662 (+$1,412)
Less: Liabilities - $170,449 (-$1,611)

Here's how it breaks down:

Assets -
Cash - A significant increase in Cash during the month!  For one, we received an extra paycheck thanks to bi-weekly payroll cycle!  So, that was a huge plus.  Secondly, we saw ~$700 in Side Hustle income in June from my Speed Camp and the Prof's Ebay Sales.  Lastly, unlike May, the Home Depot payment was made the first day of July.  So, the total increase is a little artificial, but still some serious progress.

Investments - There's some bounce back I was hoping for!  After a dismal May, the markets stabilized and we saw progress in Europe.  Every investment we owned saw an increase except II-VI.  June was not kind to our wedding gift as the Asian Earthquake/Tsunami has caused reduced earnings estimates for FY2012 and 2013.  I'd be lying if I wasn't a little concerned about the LT success of this stock, but considering it was a gift and the family's involvement with the company - we'll definitely be holding on to it and hoping it comes back.  Buy Low, Sell High! 

Personal Assets - No Change to the Home Value.  No sales in the area, so we're going to hold steady on the current value.  We did see some depreciation on the Sonata, so that value fell about $100, but we also paid down and received the Prof's anniversary gift, so the new diamond will increase our luxuries value just a bit!  Better call my insurance agent.

Liabilities -
Mortgage - $131,315 - Another small incremental change.  Ho-hum.  It's depressing how small the changes are, but it's no big deal until everything else below is taken care of. 

Student Loans - $35,536 - A nice decrease this past month.  I will be paying off one of my undergrad loans this month!  While continuing to chop down the unsubsidized graduate loans.  Staying the course.

Home Depot Credit Card - $3,598 - Same value here.  The payment cycle was weird this month, but still scheduled to be paid off in August.

Anniversary Gift - $0.  The Professor received her Anniversary Gift and she LOVES it!  VERY HAPPY!! 

Total Joint Net Worth - $135,901!!!

Progress!! I was ecstatic to see the progress we've made the past month!  Especially since I've been a little down about our credit card bills the past two months.  However, I'm realizing it's more a situation where we're using the Joint Card more and Individuals Cards less.  I don't think are actual spending has increased, just the distribution.  Just need to keep on keeping on growing that NW!!

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