Thursday, April 12, 2012

2012 Challenge

I recently saw an article which said that minimizing the length of a challenge, can increase the success rate.  In addition, I saw an article which discussed the idea of abstaining or moderating your sacrifices.  It is with that in mind, the Prof and I (likely just me) are going to attempt a different sacrifice every month for 2012.

Obviously, Lent just came and went, but I think it could be interesting to challenge myself each month with something different.  We both agree that we are already eating relatively healthy, and I work out pretty regularly, but perhaps this will motivate me to push beyond the "Bench Press Plateau" I've been in since college (dang).  So far, my ideas are few and far between - but I've come up with these:

No Beer - Extremely difficult, but I do like my bourbon.
Working Out 6 Days a Week - the 3 or 4 Days now isn't cutting it.
No Outside Lunches - Will force me to pack a lunch EVERY day (No cheats)
No Sweets - Will be hardest for the Prof
No Alcohol - Not sure about this one...
1 Coffee per day - Ugh.  I LOVE coffee.
Swear Jar - Put a $1 into jar everytime I swear
Morning Workouts - P90x Days are back!

I'm sure I can come up with more but these should get me started.  For April, I'm starting with no Outside Lunches.  We already do a good job of packing at work, but there are always that one or two mornings a week that I cheat.  So, since the Prof has us thinking healthy, this will reinforce that idea and make us cook lunch the night before or always make sure lunch meat is in the house.

Aside from the financial gains to be had foregoing a $6-$10 lunch, I'll be eating healthier!  I'm excited.

Everytime I cave - that's $5 in the Jar (on top of money spent).

I'm excited!


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