Friday, April 13, 2012

It's Muscular

There is nothing stopping us from having a baby!!! 

What amazing news!  I was worried about the possibility that there could be something preventing from having a baby.  While we're not out of the woods and nothing is certain - we can both sleep easy knowing that the uterus is not preventing anything!  Amazingly, I now know what that looks like!

Although I know we are ready for a baby and I'm very excited for it - I still wonder what my reaction will be when I get the good news!  My first impression is that I will want to run up and down the street screaming in excitement - but I know my personality is more subdued than that so I'll likely just drop to my knees and hug and kiss my wife!  I don't know.  It will be interesting.

Of course I realize that a baby will change our life.  That's why they call it a life-altering event, right!  I just don't believe that we will "miss out" on anything important.  The things we want to do we will still do.  The only thing that has changed the past couple years is the things we like to do.  Shadyside bars are out.  Apples to Apples is IN!  Besides, children are allowed to go to Notre Dame Tailgates!  Plus, I get more excited for the weekends with no plans and quality couple time, than I do those weekends with set plans and crazy agendas (St. Patty's Day!) 

Yea - I'm nervous about providing for a child and whether or not I will be a good father (I think I will be).  However, I'm confident in the Prof and I that together we can handle anything and raising a child is one of those things that I know we can do well together.  In addition, I know we have an amazing support group of family and friends who will help out and be there for us through thick and thin.

Lastly - I can't wait to play catch with my son or scare the date of my daughter.

I just hope they get a scholarship to ND.

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