Friday, April 6, 2012

Down with Debt

I hate debt.

There, I said it.  I'm all for living life to the fullest and creating experiences that will last a lifetime.  I completely agree with my father-in-law that a family trip somewhere new and exciting is much more enjoyable than a new kitchen.  I just hate the idea of paying for things over a long period.

Nothing good can come from debt payments.  It's this little nuisance that hangs over your head until its finally paid off - at that point - You get a raise!! All that money you've spent each month on that car, clothes, or whatever now gets to be enjoyed without remorse.  I fully understand the value and idea of "good" debt vs. "bad" debt.  The 0% APR kitchen debt is not a big deal - however, its still money we can't utilize each month.  It's make things stressful.

Life is so much more enjoyable without debt.  I think of what life is like without a mortgage, or student loan payment and it makes me giddy.  All the money to splurge on my wife and help send my family on fun vacations and ultimately the best colleges.  I never considered myself frugal, but I don't like wasting money.  I like knowing where my money goes and maximizing the return on it.

I enjoy good bourbon.  I spend money on it.  I don't need to play the latest iPhone app or check facebook every day - so I forego an iPhone.  Maybe I am too simplistic in my desires.  I don't need or really want a new car - does that make me weird?  I enjoy spending time with my wife, my family, and friends.  I don't compete with them and they don't compete with me - at least I don't think so - and it makes me less stressful.  I push myself in my career and school because I want to provide for my wife and kids.  Sacrificing some today will mean a MUCH greater tomorrow.  I truly believe that.

I still hate sending money away every month to the government and PNC.  Can't wait to say Bye Bye Mortgage!!!


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