Thursday, April 26, 2012

Price of TV

How much is monthly TV access worth?  According to my Verizon bill - $54.99 plus taxes and fees.

There have been many discussions regarding people cutting the cable cord as a way to save money, transform their life, or just disconnect for a while.  I think it's a fascinating discussion.  With the amount of information and tv shows available through the internet, it's easily conceivable that someone could live without cable. 

Is $55 bucks a month worth losing my wife?  Absolutely NOT!  Ha.  Obviously.  However, I wonder if I could manage without watching the Pirates.  That's truly the only reason I need cable access.  Live sporting events.  Now, one could argue that ESPN has intant videos online and immediate data uupdates available, BUUUTTTT, it's not the same. 

In addition, my wife loves her shows.  It's how she unwinds after dealing with 50 crazy 5th graders all day.  I get it, she needs that to release and unwind.  Everyone has their methods.  I enjoy going to the gym or doing things like coaching or things around the house.  I really don't like watching TV to much.  Perhaps, it's just that I don't like sitting still long enough.  My mind is always racing about other things - the school work I should be doing, the yard work that needs done, the light fixture I haven't fixed yet, the book I haven't read.

What do I need TV for?  There's not a whole lot. 

1.  SportsCenter - or some variation.
2.  The Daily Show
3.  Mad Men
4.  How I Met Your Mother

In addition, the wife and I watch Modern Family, Office (although I forget why), and HGTV together, but it's ALWAYS on DVR and usually Sat or Sun morning.  I do love those mornings where we relax, enjoy our coffee and be awesome.  So, if I cut the cable cord - how would we entertain ourselves?

1.  Netflix - we currently subscribe to the monthly streaming package for $8 and offers all sorts of movies/TV shows through our Blu Ray player.  It's not a complete catalog, but it has most of what we want, just a season or two after they run.

2.  Hulu (or Other Internet on Demand) - There have been times that How I Met Your Mother didn't record or Daily Show ran long - it took me about .2 seconds to find the complete episode online.  Not a big deal at all.  I'm sure I could even do it through the Blu Ray as well in order to avoid watching on small computer screen.

Perhaps, I'll challenge myself one week or month to not watch ANY TV.  I'm intrigued whether I could do it.  I don't think it would change that much for me.  I'll be ok if I continue to miss Dances with the Stars and American Idol.  Somehow, I'll manage.  I worry about the Prof and her Housewives though...

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