Thursday, May 10, 2012

Side Hustle #1

I started a business.

On Sunday, I met a small group of 14 year old men at a High School for the first Speed & Agility Session.  I've known these boys since they were in 4th grade and now I'm helping them prepare for High School next year.

I created a 12 week program that introduces stretching, agility, and speed techniques to these young men.  For the time and efforts, I'm charging each participant $25/session or $250/year.  I had 6 young men come to the first session and the parents were very enthusiastic and expressed the possibility of more coming.
I don't own any certificates or degrees in Sports/Athletic Training, but I have done just about every workout in the book and have forgotten more exercises than most people have ever done.  Besides, I genuinely want to help these kids.  I am charging the parents because of the time it is taking away from my wife and the commitment that is needed.  Besides, I've made this unassociated from the elementary school so that it does not look like any conflict to my coaching.  At some point, I need to make more money to help bring down the Student Loan Debt and build more savings.  If I can do it helping kids I know and have experience with, it makes sense.

The price isn't outrageous, but it will definitely help our finances.  I've always said that the community of St. Louise is full of very successful people and I would be an idiot not to utilize them as I build my career.  I keep coming back to the school because it provided a great base for my future athletic and educational ability.  Now, I'm in a position to be able to help and maintain strong contacts with very successful people in the area.  It's a Win/Win in my opinion.  I don't think it is any different than my father soliciting parishioners he knows for Fish Fry sponsorships.  I'm actually putting more work in.

So, what to do with the Side Hustle Funds:
1.  Pay Down Student Debt.  30% of all income goes to Student Loans.
2.  Professor's New Car.  30% goes to buy Professor's Dream Car - hopefully can avoid future debt.
3.  Gifts.  Professor's Anniversary Gift.  For Being AWESOME!
4.  Anything left over will go to Home Depot bill.  I hate that debt.  0% interest or not, it's annoying having to pay them $1k a month.

As you can see - I'm not doing this for much fun - I created a hole by going back to school and would like to get out ASAP and BCK (Before Children Comes).

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