Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April Net Worth Review

It's been one month since we've taken a 5,000 ft fly-by of our financial progress.  So, let's review:

Cash - $26,095  (-$2,894)
Investments - $71,072 (+$5,540)
Home Value - $180,000 ($0)
Personal Assets - $28,250 (-$500)
Less: Liabilities - $175,410 (+$155)

Here's how it breaks down:

Assets -
Cash - A small decrease in cash as we made our annual IRA Contribution this year.  So, the decrease was expected.  To be honest, I expected worse since we made a $4,730 deduction in cash to make the contribution.  Otherwise, there weren't any real changes to Cash and the Car savings keep growing!

Investments - A nice increase to the retirement accounts this past month has helped ride out a down market in April 2012.  The IRA Contribution and 401(k) and 403(b) contributions easily canceled out a small percentage decrease in the markets.  I was very happy to see this because I had doubts because of all the doom and gloom in the Dow and S&P.  I guess this is a good lesson that by making consistent contributions beats the guessing game any day.  That being said, our II-VI stock performed horribly in April as it fell (13.7%) in April due to Q3 earnings release.  I expect better from them in the future.

Personal Assets - No major changes to our personal assets.  The house across the street with the exact same lay-out sold for $205k in April.  So, with the kitchen upgrades, the $180k is fair for now.  I reduced the value of the Prof's Passat because it looks like the Craigslist sales price will be between $4500 and $5000.  I had hoped for more, but being as old as it is has people hesitant to go above the $5k mark.

Liabilities -
Mortgage - $131,706 - Ugh.  Small incremental change.

Student Loans - $36,786 - 1 $500 payment at a time.  I did get my Undergrad loans to consolidate with graduate loans at a lower rate.  So, that's down to 1.5% - which is awesome.

Home Depot Credit Card - $5,770 - We bought a carpet for the bedroom, however, still on track to pay this down.

Anniversary Gift - I purchased a gift for the Professor for our Anniversary/Birthday.  It's pretty expensive and since its not July yet, I only put a down payment on it to hold it until closer to the real day.  So, I owe additional funds there.  This should be gone soon.

Total Joint Net Worth - $130,007!!

To be honest, I was shocked when I saw the amount of growth.  I'd been very apprehensive the last week about our finances due to all the charity events and unusual items that popped up (Medical insurance drives me crazy).  However, it was nice to see that without really changing anything, we were able to improve our Worth by $3k.  It's not great, but it's growth. 

I start my first side hustle job this coming weekend.  So, there should be further increase to the NW next month as I've already dedicated money towards Student Loans and Savings.

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